Minggu, 30 September 2007

Kontera Logo
A few months back I was approached by Kontera and asked if I would like to try their In-Text advertising at GrownUpGeek.com. The account manager was confident that based on my traffic I should be able to earn $1,000/mo easily. Well, I’m happy to say that she was wrong. The first month I earned $1,400, and over $1,500 the next two months in a row (If you’d like to see what a $1,500 payment looks like, check out my picture over at the Shoe money . Kontera is now our 2nd biggest earner, right behind Adsense and I could not be more happy (or surprised).

What is Kontera?
Kontera uses ContextLinks that are contextuallyKontera Text Link matched to the text on your webpages, similar to the way that Adsense works. These ContextLinks appear as links on your page with small ‘pop-up’ bubbles that appear when you hover your mouse over them. Visitors click on the pop-up and you earn on a CPC basis.Kontera describes it this way on theirKontera:

A contextually relevant keyword that is discovered in real-time on a web page from within Kontera´s vast network of publishers, and is automatically turned into a link to the most relevant ad from among Kontera´s thousands of advertisers. With ContentLink™ publishers generate incremental revenue while advertisers reach their most targeted audience on a Cost-Per-Click basis.

Kontera is fast and very easy to get started. Apply online and then add the code to your pages and you’re done. They do have a few restrictions though, so it is not for everybody. You must generate at least 250,000 page-impressions per month (although they are easing up on this recently), your site must be in English, and your site must be “content rich” (aka not MFA).

Even though Kontera is a contextual advertising system you can use it on the same pages as Adsense. The Adsense TOS has recently been updated/clarified and states that you can use competing contextually-based advertising systems as long as they do not have the same “look and feel” as Adsense.

Since we started using Kontera we have not seen any detectable drop in Adsense CTR, and it has steadily and consistently been earning roughly 50%-75% of what Adsense makes.. If you are currently making $100/day (or per month) you can expect to add an additional $50-$75 by implementing Kontera.

If you want to read more about Kontera’s InText system, or to sign up, go to www.kontera.com.

Post From My Bos http://success.grownupgeek.com/
Kontera And Proxy

I’m on vacation this week and writing from the beaches of San Diego (Mission Bay to be exact). Since I can never get anybody to guest-post for me, I’ll just post myself but they’ll be short ‘n sweet.

A DP Forum member recently PM’d me asking if was acceptable to use Kontera on proxies and proxified pages. Below is the official response from Kontera regarding proxies and proxified pages:

Kontera does not work with web-proxy services, so the answer to both of your questions would be “no”. Proxy services create an obvious problem with identifying who the original content belongs to and limits our ability to ensure that our ads are only showing on appropriate areas.

There is it

Jumat, 28 September 2007

NOTE: What I’m about to explain is probably something that most webmasters already do, and have always done - but hang in there until the end, there is a moral to the story.

For the last week or two I’ve been trying to figure out how to better monetize my forums. With only a single Adsense skyscraper displaying on the right-side of every forum post I’ve always known that CTR (and earnings) would be low - and it has been. Several months ago I added Kontera to the site to in an effort to increase my forum earnings and now Kontera is now bringing in an extra $1,000 or more per month - but with page-views approaching one-million per month, I knew I could do even better.

I initially wanted to add an additional Adsense leaderboard on every forum-post, just below the title. But accomplishing this with my current customized-mess of a Drupal install proved more difficult than it sounded. Finally, with a little help and encouragement from my good friend Joe, who runs SwimmingPoolKnowledge.com I was able to settle on a leaderboard at the top of every page (not just forum posts), just below the title. Up until now, I had Adsense on most pages, but many pages had no advertisements at all. This is because from the beginning I tried to keep GrownUpGeek.com as UN-spammy as i could, and I kept ads to a minimum. However, now that I only show Adsense and Kontera to guest visitors, and not members, I thought I could take the leap to having at least one leaderboard on every page.

The result ?
As I expected, I was getting more overall clicks from these additional Adsense impressions, but what I did not expect was the actual CTR%. Of course I can’t disclose what the actual CTR is, but let’s just say it’s about 4x higher than that single skyscraper in the forums. Multiply that 4x higher CTR by almost 30,000 pageviews per day and that comes up to just over 25% higher overall Adsense earnings.

So what’s the moral to this lame post that I promised you’d find here at the end?
I guess if there really was a point I was trying to get across it would be this:

Don’t become complacent (or lazy) with your site or your earnings

It would be very easy for me to kick-back and enjoy the $6,000/month that the site has been generating, but I knew I could do better. It would be very easy for me to just leave the site “as is” and let it run on autopilot, but I don’t.

Blog Posted from GrownupGeek

Selasa, 18 September 2007

AdSense designed for invalid clicks?

Philipp made an interesting observation this morning about the difference between Google AdWords and AdSense units — the clickable zones on them are noticeably different enough to raise some concern. It appears AdSense units are designed for accidental clicks — or at least not designed for no accidental clicks.
A long time ago, Google made the ad units on their result pages only respond to clicks on the title link — before that, you could click anywhere on the advertisement. Why did they stop doing this? Here’s what they said:
“these changes help decrease the likelihood that a user will unintentionally click on an ad”
Now the question is, even after updates to AdSense, do they still allow “accidental” clicks? It seems to me this is being done in their best interest and at the same time ripping off a lot of advertisers who choose to show their ads in the AdSense network.

Digg diggs Microsoft, not Google

An announcement made today by Digg’s founder, Kevin Rose, prepares his users for an upcoming change that I’m sure would have caused a stir if nothing was pre-announced. Google has been used by the company to serve advertisements on their website since it was launched, but today Kevin says that they will be switching to Microsoft because they have a more “scalable technology platform”.
I’m not sure what he means by that, but anyway, this new 3 year contract does hit Google where it hurts. Since advertising is pretty much Google’s only means of making money, huge clients like Digg are worth keeping.
It will be interesting to see what Digg users think of the new ad units when they arrive. What do you think?

Google Fun

For a bit of fun you can now compare the popularity of one keyword or phrase against another via GoogleFight http://www.googlefight.com/or GoogleBattle. http://www.googlebattle.com/The little graphics make this quite entertaining. Maybe we can use this to help students understand about use of different keywords to describe the same thing. e.g. murder versus homicide.
Thanks to Miguel Guhlin for drawing attention to this.

Time for some Google Fun

That's Whack!
The sport of Googlewhacking, which is gaining in popularity and prominence, involves a quest for single-site results on the popular search portal by entering only two words. There is even the Googlewhack Web site, which keeps track of some of the best "whacks" and chronicles the practice that began early this year.
That's Googlism!
Googlism was created as a fun tool to see what Google "thinks" of certain topics and people. Of course, the results are not really Google's opinion, they're yours, the web site owners of the world. Let Googlism search Google and let you know what website owners think about the name or topic you suggest. Good fun!
Doogle's Google
Doogle The Feckin' Irish Search Engine! Hilarious stuff. Worthy of a good browse.

Senin, 17 September 2007

Google Hot Trends Crossword Clues Clutter

Maybe it's just because I'm looking at Google Hot Trends on a Sunday, but it seems useless because it's cluttered with crossword clues. Google did specifically mention crossword puzzle clues when they announced Google Hot Trends (emphasis mine):
And today we're introducing a new toy we are calling Hot Trends. It's a new feature of Google Trends for sharing the the hottest current searches with you in very close to real time. What's on our collective mind as we search for information? What's interesting to people right now? Hot Trends will tell you. At a glance, you'll see the huge variety of topics capturing our attention, from current events to daily crossword puzzle clues to the latest celebrity gossip. Hot Trends is updated throughout the day, so check back often.

The TagMuse Technorati mashup I created a few months ago is pretty useful for generating ideas for blog topics. It pulls data from Technorati popular searches and Technorati tags. When I heard about Google Hot Trends, I thought I could use this data for blog ideas, too. I'm experimenting with a new mashup called TagTrends. It looks at the top 100 hot searches from Google Hot Trends and filters it down to only those single and double keyword phrases (since most tags are one or two words). It then compares these searches to the Technorati tags page. As with TagMuse, the idea is to find keywords people are searching for but other bloggers haven't already written about extensively. However, with the crossword clues clutter, I'm not sure if TagTrends is going to be as useful as TagMuse. Let's compare the top 7 tag results from both tools for today:


The TagTrends data (from Google Hot Trends) seems like nonsense. Maybe it'll be better during the week. BTW, here's why I think the problem stems from crossword clues clutter. Consider the hot trends page for nutritionist davis

Google: Vista Desktop Search Unfair

Desktop search capabilities built into Windows Vista makes it extremely difficult for users to run Google's (Quote) desktop search instead, and that has prompted the search giant to complain that Microsoft (Quote) is once again engaging in anticompetitive behavior along the lines of earlier ploys against Netscape

However, Google's complaints to both the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) and the states attorneys general who are monitoring Microsoft's compliance with its 2002 antitrust settlement have met with mixed results thus far, according to reports this week in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.

Google's complaints allege that Microsoft "hard wired" its own desktop search software into Vista, making it virtually impossible for any third-party search tool to replace the default software for searching users' hard disks.

"Microsoft's current approach with Vista desktop search violates the consent decree and limits consumer choice," Google spokesperson Ricardo Reyes told internetnews.com in an e-mail. "Microsoft's own desktop search product [provides] no way for users to choose an alternate provider," he added.

Additionally, if users do manage to install Google desktop search, competition between the two search engines' indexing programs slows the process to a crawl, according to news reports.
While reluctant to comment further due to the "confidential" nature of ongoing investigations, Reyes did add: "Likewise, Vista makes it impractical to turn off Microsoft's search index."
Spokespersons for the DoJ and for at least one outspoken state attorney general were not immediately available for comment.

In statements to the Wall Street Journal, Microsoft's general counsel Brad Smith said that the company is willing to address Google's concerns but also argued that desktop search does not fall under the purview of its antitrust settlement.

At least initially, Google's complaints didn't make much headway with the feds, according to the New York Times. The paper said in Sunday's edition that assistant attorney general Thomas O. Barnett, the top antitrust official at the DoJ, last month urged states attorneys general to reject Google's complaints.

The Times' report also said that Barnett's previous law firm had represented Microsoft in several antitrust matters, but that he had not worked on those cases and that he also had recused himself from any litigation regarding the software company for more than a year after he joined the Justice Department.

But, according to the reports, several states are still planning their own investigations regarding Google's complaints, and that could cause the DoJ to reverse itself.
In the meantime, Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly of the Federal District Court in Washington, who oversees the antitrust settlement, is expected to air Google's complaints at a hearing later this month, both papers reported.

For its part, Microsoft claims that Vista's desktop search engine's indexing program does not run when other programs are running – so there is no conflict and thus no way for it to slow down Google desktop search's indexing functions.
Additionally, Microsoft officials claim the company has bent over backwards to assure third parties get a fair shake with Vista.

“We’ve been working with state and federal antitrust officials for the past two years to ensure that there are no problems with any of the features in Windows Vista [and] these discussions resulted in more than a dozen changes at their request," Microsoft spokesperson Jack Evans said in an e-mailed statement.

“Desktop search issues were reviewed at length with regulators prior to the release of Windows Vista [and] while we don’t believe there are any compliance concerns with desktop search, we've also told officials we are committed to going the extra mile to resolve this issue,” he added.
At least one consumer group, while trying not to take sides, is at least a little skeptical.
"Microsoft tries to get away with what it can and then gives access [to competitors] when pressed," Mark Cooper, director of research for the Consumer Federation of America, told internetnews.com. "It's a really important issue because search is the gateway to the Internet … [so] it deserves the attention it's getting," he added.

Meanwhile, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is also investigating Microsoft's complaints that Google's $3.1 billion bid in April to purchase Internet ad vendor DoubleClick constitutes an anticompetitive move on the search vendor's part.

Google Settles Keyword Ad Suit

Google has settled a lawsuit filed in 2003 by American Blind & Wallpaper Factory over keyword ads, reports Reuters.

The a reseller of window blinds sued because competitors’ ads come up in a Google search on trademarked terms. American Airlines filed a similar lawsuit last month. American Blind, however, was dealt a blow when a judge ruled that words such as “American blinds” were not trademarks, but descriptive terms.

Under the settlement, Google can continue its practices and each side pays its own legal bills. There is no penalty. Eric Goldman, director of the High Tech Law Institute at Santa Clara University, told SiliconValley.com the outcome amounted to a “stunning victory” for Google.

Google Offers Moon Rover Prize

Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin wanted to build their own space ship, but instead will offer $20 million to any company that can land a robotic rover on the moon and beam images of the lunar surface back to earth, according to the San Jose Mercury News.

The search company has teamed with the X Prize Foundation, a non-profit group that awarded $10 million to the company which made the first private, sub-orbital space flight in 2004.

The winning craft must land and roam at least 500 meters and take a series of panoramic images and videos to be streamed on Google’s Web site, reports Times Online. Deadline for the project is the end of 2012.

Sabtu, 15 September 2007

Adsense: Referrals 2.0 launched

Adsense Referrals 2.0 now available to all AdSense publishers in referrals-supported languages.

NOTE: Clarified that referrals 2.0 is currently only available in referrals-supported languages.

Things You Probably Don’t Know About Google AdSense

source from http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2007/03/22/google-adsense-facts-faqs-and-tools/

  • “AdSense Earning = Impression-count x Click-though-rate x Cost-per-click x smart-pricing-factor. Viewing your on website will not get you banned. Just make sure you don’t click on the ads.
  • However, repeatedly reload your page to jack up page impressions can get you banned. Click-through-rate (CTR) is ratio of clicks per impressions. It can range from 0.1% to 30%, but most commonly around 1% to 10%.”[100 Google Adsense Tips]
  • “First impressions count: make sure the ad unit with the highest CTR is the first ad unit in the HTML code of your page. Keep in mind that the first ad unit in the source code is not always the first ad unit that your users will see when the page finishes loading in their browser.”[Inside AdSense: First impressions count]
  • “Ads placed near rich content and navigational aids usually do well because users are focused on those areas of a page. on pages where users are typically focused on reading an article, ads placed directly below the end of the editorial content tend to perform very well.”[Where should I place Google ads on my pages?]
  • “Format is important for multiple ad units, display your ad units where repeat users will notice them, place a leaderboard immediately after the last post.”[Six AdSense optimization tips for forums]
  • “The middle, above the fold location performs the best. Best performing ad format is the large rectangle, 336×280. So the wider ad formats are doing better than the other ones and the reason is that they actually take up fewer lines. And so with every additional line, you have a chance of losing that interested user.
  • So the wider formats do best so specifically, the top three formats are the 336×280 that you see on the page; the 300×250 medium rectangle; and then the 160×600 wide skyscraper.
  • We have a feature in the AdSense account where you are able to multi-select different color palettes that blend with your site to add some variety and freshness to the ads. And that also will help decrease ad blindness.”[Google AdSense Optimization Webinar]
  • The second most active placement in terms of click-throughs tends to be the right-hand rail or margin”. “Skyscrapers” and vertical banners do well when placed next to the content in the main body. Square and rectangle ads placed within the center column also do well, provided they are placed in context to the content. Ads placed below the fold tend to perform least well, although that isn’t a hard-and-fast rule.”[Yahoo! Publisher Network: Location, location, location…]
  • “I found the most success in placing the Google Adsense medium rectangle either right in the middle of the page or in a middle right column as long as it has content above and below the ad unit. Its is fine to use Adsense Ads on a forum however expect a very low CTR.”[Google Adsense Tips for Webmasters]
  • “Post Adsense ads on text rich pages, avoid titles like the approved ‘Sponsored Links’ and ‘Advertisements’, place Ads above the fold, Match the colors of your ads with the colour scheme of your site, Blend ads with your page - remove the borders by having a similar color as your background.”[How to Increase Google Adsense CTR]
  • “To remove Public Service Ads (PSA) in Google Adsense develop sufficient good content with keywords, Ensure that META tags like ‘title’ & ‘description’ and the headings tags like h1, h2 etc. have content which matches the rest of your site.”[How to Remove Public Service Ads (PSA) in Google Adsense]
  • “You can now run AdSense on the same page as other contextual ad programs.” (January 2007)[It’s official! You can now run AdSense on the same page as other contextual ad programs]
  • “Google AdSense Policy: We ask that publishers not line up images and ads in a way that suggests a relationship between the images and the ads.”[Inside AdSense: Ad and image placement: a policy clarification]
  • “Section targeting uses certain html tweaks to force the google adsense bot to focus on specific content. Section targeting is the latest and most effective addition to AdSense”.[Display Relevant Adsense Ads Using Section Targeting]
  • “Over the weekend, I decided to change the number of ads units on my blog based upon where the traffic is coming from. I have a small PHP function that checks to see if the referrer is a search engine, and if it is, I display and additional 2 ad units. My Adsense revenue increasing by 284% on Saturday, Sunday and Monday!”[Positive Adsense Experiment]
  • “Never click your own adsense ads or get them clicked for whatever reason. Never change the Adsense code. Do not run competitive contextual text ad (2006) or search services on the same site. Do not mask ad elements. Avoid excessive advertising and keyword stuffing.”[ 15 Common Mistakes that Violate Google Adsense TOS ]
  • “Putting ads on your site won’t hurt your traffic. There are 6 sorts of bloggers’ income: Google Adsense, Donations (e.g. PayPal), Text Link Ads (sold for a fixed amount per month), Chitika eMiniMalls ads (pay per click), affiliate programs like Amazon, Advertising sold to individual advertisers (three-month campaigns or longer)[How to Make Money From Your Blog - a VERY extensive article]
  • “A number of factors come into play when AdSense tries to determine what the page is about: The URL of the page, the page title, the anchor text of links, the keywords that appear most frequently within the page, search engine queries that lead to the page or to another page that links to the page”.[How to Get Relevant AdSense Ads (Especially For Bloggers)]
  • “Ask yourself if you are willing to compromise your blog’s layout and over-all feel by adding ads in them. Look at your traffic and see if it’s enough to draw the crowd. Make good use of the Ad Channels. Give it time.”[Tips on Blog Adsensification]
  • “You can put upto 3 AdSense units on a page. For short articles, CTR is best when ads are placed just above the content. For long articles, CTR improves if ads are placed somewhere in middle of the content. Go Wide - the large rectangle 336×280 is the best paying adsense format.”[Adsense Tips, Layout Optimization Tricks for HigherCTR]
  • “Google AdSense folks have unveiled another useful feature for Adsense publishers - Section Targeting. The concept is simple but the advantages and possibilities are endless.”[Display relevant Ads in Blogs: Just suggest Google]

Jumat, 14 September 2007

Penghasilan Uang Dari Google Adsense

Di ambil dari situs :http://www.onarticle.com/read.php/23...e_adsense.html----------------------------If you are a webmaster, then you may have heard about Google's Adsense program from another happy webmaster earning thousands of dollars from it. I was one of the happy webmasters that found the Adsense program to be a great source of revenue. You are either thinking, what in the world is Adsense or how in the world can I successfully profit from it.To answer the first part of this question, Adsense is a program that allows webmasters to place ad links on their Web sites and earn money when their visitors click on ad links. The unique feature about Adsense is that the ad links that appear on your Web sites are related to your site's content. How much you earn from the Adsense program depends on two things:-Number of clicks to your Adsense ad links-Value of these linksNow you are probably holding onto your chair and yelling, "I want to know how to profit from Google Adsense!"Ok, are you ready? Do not let go of that chair or you might fall you!To profit from Adsense, you must master these three important key factors:-Keywords-Content Content Content!-TrafficKeywords and Content: These two factors determine what types of Adsense Ad links will appear on your Web site. If you do not do this research correctly, then ad links that are not related to the content may appear on your Web site and the percentage of ad link clicks will decrease. Remember that certain keywords have higher value than other keywords and to get higher revenue. When you write your content, you need to focus on using similar keywords.For example, if your Web site is about dating, you would focus on using keywords like "dating" or "love". One secret to getting your visitors to click on your ad links are to build content on topics that really interest you and your visitors. Focus on your target market.Traffic: Knowing where your traffic or Web visitors are coming from is also one of the most important factors. The more targeted traffic that flows to your Web site, the more clicks you will receive, and the more revenue you will make. This is where most webmasters will focus their efforts on.Traffic Secrets: Try to get most of your traffic from search engines because this is where you get most of your high quality traffic. If you cannot do this, you can always get your hands on Expired Domain Traffic that you can purchase from suppliers who have the high ranked Web sites. If you do not know how to get your site ranked high in search engines, there are thousands of free online resources out on the web. You can also hire a search engine optimization guru, because it will be worth it in the end.Mistakes to avoid:-Do not create Web sites only for the purpose of putting Adsense ad links on your site! Why? Google has a way of knowing this and they clearly state that if you have this type of Web site, they will ban you.-Do not click on your own links because this will also get you banned.-Once you've been banned from the Adsense program, they will never let you back in.Remember, this is the best paying Pay Per Click webmaster payment program out there. I hope you succeed in this program and make much revenue!

Rabu, 12 September 2007

Wellcome to Blog Google Adsense All Friends

Sekedar Mengenai Blog…
Blog boleh digunakan dengan mudah tidak seperti membuat website yang memerlukan banyak ketrampilan seperti design website pake software ini itulah pening Bos… Mo belajar pake software flash, frontpage dreamweaver banyak deh susah gue jelasin.

Tapi ini semua bukan alasannya kita tidak dapat menghasilkan uang dengan internet .

Pada bab ini gue mo memberitahu nEHHHH…..

Apakah Anda Tau ?

Sebenarnya untuk mendapatkan bayaran dari google tidaklah sulit anda sebenarnya dibayar oleh google jika memasukan iklan ini dalam website atau blog anda karena iklan ini dibayar oleh pihak pengilkaln kepada pihak google dan google akan membagi keuntungan mereka kepada kita karena membantu mengiklankan produk mereka. Anda mengerti Kan ….. HEHEHHE

Berapa Income yang anda DApatkan ya?

Itu kalimat yang selalu anda denger bukan , anda dibayar antara $0.10 - $ 100. pasti anda bertanya ngapain Gue kalo Cuma dapat gitu aja siasia waktu bukan heheh

Maksudnya $100 ato lebih dapat kita peroleh may be $500 perbulan itu

Cara kerja setiap klik blog anda bayangkan jika semua orang melewati blog anda dan klik adsense

Anda gak terduga loh bOSssss..

Bagaimana Anda Dibayar?
Google akan membayar setelah akaun anda mencapai jumlah minimum USD100. Jika tidak, baki akan dibawa ke bulan hadapan dan bila genap USD100, maka anda akan dibayar

Hati-Hati temen

Akaun anda akan diban @ blacklist jika melanggar peraturan. Biasanya akaun akan di ban jika:
1. Klik Ads sendiri.
2. Mengubah kod Adsense
3. Menyuruh orang lain klik Adsense kita
4. Meletak Ads di laman web perjudian dan berbau negative lah

Bagaimana Memasukan Adsense ke dalam Blog?

Jika anda sudah mempunyai blog, ianya amat mudah bagi anda. Jika anda mempunyai akaun Blogspot (http://www.blogger.com/), anda hanya perlu:

Klik LAYOUT > ADD A PAGE ELEMENT > ADSENSE > ADD TO BLOG, kemudian ikut arahan seterusnya.

Amat Mudah tetapi anda perlu mempunyai akaun terlebih dahulu.

Bagaimana Membuka tabungan Google Adsense?

Sila klik banner di di sebelah kanan blog ini (berwarna Hijau Friends) dan akan dibawa terus ke laman
pendaftaran Google Adsense.

Setiap pendaftaran akan dipantau dan memerlukan 1-2 hari bekerja untuk diluluskan. Sila ikuti arahan dengan teliti utk memudahkan akaun anda diluluskan.


Senin, 10 September 2007

ApA tu Google Adsense

AdSense adalah layanan iklan yg dimiliki oleh Google, dimana para pemilik situs dapat memasang iklan tersebut di situs2 mereka dan mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan. Iklan yg muncul bermacam-macam jenisnya, bisa berupa teks, gambar, bahkan video; namun yg pasti, semuanya menggunakan sistem kontekstual (contextual), dimana iklan tersebut akan relevan atau sesuai dengan isi halaman dimana iklan tersebut dipasang.

Seluruh iklan disimpan di server milik Google sendiri, sehingga kita tidak perlu menyediakan ruang khusus di server kita untuk AdSense, ataupun meng-upload file-file tertentu. Cukup dengan menyisipkan kode JavaScript yg diberikan pada halaman situs kita saja kita sudah dapat menikmati hadirnya iklan AdSense di situs kita.

Bagaimana Kita Mendapatkan Uang?

Seperti disebutkan di atas, dengan memasangkan iklan AdSense di situs mereka, pemilik situs memperoleh kesempatan untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan. Bagaimana caranya?

Tidak sulit. Yg perlu Anda, sebagai pemilik situs, lakukan adalah menunggu (dan berdoa) agar ada pengunjung yg meng-klik iklan2 tersebut. Ya, cukup dengan meng-klik saja, otomatis Anda, sebagai publisher AdSense, akan mendapatkan sejumlah uang yg nilai bagiannya diperhitungkan dari besarnya bid yg telah ditentukan oleh si pemasang iklan (advertisers). Meskipun ada faktor2 lain yg mempengaruhi, secara umum, bagian yg diperoleh publisher adalah 20% dari nilai bid.

Setelah Anda mendaftarkan diri di Google AdSense dan diterima, Anda akan mendapatkan akses ke Member Area Google AdSense. Di situ, selain tersedia tool untuk men-generate kode iklan yg dibutuhkan, juga terdapat halaman Report yg mencantumkan perolehan pendapatan Anda beserta jumlah klik yg didapatkan, jumlah tampilan iklan, dan info2 penting lainnya.

How The PAyment ?

Pembayaran akan dilakukan 30 hari setelah total pendapatan Anda dalam satu bulan mencapai minimal $100. Jadi apabila bulan Februari ini Anda memperoleh $100, maka penghasilan Anda tersebut akan dikirimkan pada akhir bulan Maret. Untuk Indonesia, pembayaran akan dikirimkan dalam bentuk cek dan Anda dapat memilih untuk menggunakan jasa pos ataupun DHL (Express Delivery) dalam proses pengiriman tersebut.

Bagaimana Potensi Penghasilannya?
Tidak terbatas! Banyak publisher AdSense yg telah memperoleh ribuan bahkan puluhan ribu dollar per bulannya. Di Indonesia sendiri, publisher AdSense dengan penghasilan ribuan dollar per bulan sudah bukan hal yg aneh lagi.

So, tunggu apa lagi? Daftar sekarang (gunakan tombol di samping ini i untuk langsung menuju ke halaman Sign Up) dan mulailah memasuki dunia bisnis internet melalui Google AdSense.

Selamat Menikmati Dunia Internet Marketing Thank .....

How to Start Your First AdSense Website

Starting an AdSense website is relatively easy. However, there are plenty of things that may go wrong, especially if you're doing it for the first time. For one, most AdSense businesses crash down before they can really take off. The number of impressions and low click-through rate often changes what seemed to be an excellent business idea into nothing - unless you call earning $1 a day a profitable business venture.

What is AdSense?

90% of problems with AdSense businesses is caused by the fact that AdSense businessmen-to-be don't know much about what AdSense is and how it really works. While you definitely don't have to know all the technical details, it is an imperative that you understand all the basics.

AdSense is an advertising program run by Google. Webmasters who decide to take part in it add a special Java script to their websites that allows AdSense to display ads on the webpage it is installed in. The ads come from advertisers who have subscribed to the AdWords program and placed there their own ads. Then AdSense program places them at the AdSense websites that seem to be the most appropriate.

The advertisers pay either per each click on their ad or per thousand impressions (thousand people who have opened your website with the ad on it). A fraction of the price they pay goes to you - the website owner. Google acts only as an intermediary and editor, it is neither the source nor the real provider of any ads.

How Google knows what adverts to display on your site? Everything begins within the AdWords program. When advertisers create their ads, they also choose key phrases that are relevant to their ads. For example, if one creates an advert of a snowboarding website, he will probably choose such key phrases as "snowboard", "snowboarding", "snowboard styles", "snowboard course" etc. When a website is signed to the AdSense program, a special robot (=internet program) called Metabot "reads" your website in search for keywords (=words used in the content). Then it sends a signal to AdSense to send you the adverts that are triggered by the key phrases you have used in your website.

Starting an AdSense website

Build a site: while you can put AdSense ads on virtually any website, in 99% of cases you won't make any real money out of it. In order to start a real AdSense website that will become a steady income stream, you have to remember about:

*popularity - check what people look for on the Internet and build your site around one of the most popular topics. Use Wordtracker or Nichebot and take a look at the most often searched keywords to get some ideas.

*relevant content - AdSense is not an artificial intelligence and certainly not a mind reader. You have to put a lot of content that speaks about the website's topic AND USE THE KEY PHRASES! Otherwise you risk that some ads may miss your website and you get others that are irrelevant to your website. This may greatly decrease the click-through ratio. A tip: do not use the content you can find on the Internet, even if it is marked "public domain" - Google loves fresh unpublished articles.

*proper ad placement - most people who browse the website look at the upper left corner of screen first, then at the mid-upper part and lower left and only lastly at the lower right part of screen. Make sure that you can place your ads where people look first - this increases the chance they click on them.

Registration process: registration process is very simple and, what's even more important, free. Go to www.google.com/adsense (Alexa) and complete the registration form. Just remember that you have to add the provided script to your website before you get any ads displayed!

Get the traffic: now, when you have a decent website and relevant ads all you need is people who will visit your site and click on the ads. If your website attracts 1000 visitors a day, you can count on it to bring you a healthy profit. There are dozens of methods you can use. Among the most popular are: adding links to web directories, writing articles to article directories and getting links from other, relevant sites. It is probably the most difficult part of all AdSense business, broad enough to be discussed in another article.

Warning: angry Google = no income

During all the process there is one thing that you have to remember about: don't do anything that is prohibited or unadvised by Google. First, most of such practices won't give you any real profit. Second, if you make Google angry, they will simply ban your site from from their search engine, wasting all the hard work you've made and forcing you to start everything all over again. Trespassing Google regulations - clicking on your own ads or installing any robots who can do that for you - will always be swiftly punished. No courts, no lawsuits, no nothing - your website will be immediately and irreversibly banned, people cease to visit it and your income drops to zero in a matter of days. A few dollars more are just not worth wasting months of your work.

Adsense Click Fraud

Adsense click fraud is very real and very bad! Not only does it harm the advertiser, but it can harm you. Did you know that you could have someone clicking your ads maliciously? Read more about this so you can arm yourself with knowledge.

Is Someone Defrauding Your AdSense Account?

There are lots of different strategies that you can use to skyrocket your AdSense income. Repeatedly clicking on your ads isn't one of them. That's the sort of thing that Google take a pretty strong line on - and rightly so. It's just plain dumb and Google have a strong punishment for it: they can ban you for life.

That punishment's not unreasonable when someone's deliberately trying to con Google's advertisers. But it does leave a golden opportunity for anyone who wants to sabotage someone else's income. If you're making a lot of money using AdSense - and you've also made an enemy or two - there's nothing to stop someone coming to your site, clicking your ads a couple of dozen times and wiping out your income.

Sound scary? It should. Once you get banned, that's it. It's very difficult to persuade Google to let you back in.

But you should also be looking to making sure that no one is trying to deliberately land you in trouble. If you see in your logs that your site received a stream of clicks in a short time - and from the same IP address - don't wait for Google to get in touch. (Their letter won't be pleasant). Drop them a line right away, telling them that you've spotted some suspicious clicks on your site and ask them to investigate. You shouldn't be surprised if they write back and tell you that those clicks won't be counted towards your revenues but at least you'll still have your account and you'll still be earning.

It's pretty rare for someone to go out of their way to cause problems for AdSense users. Most of the people you meet on AdSense forums and other places online are good, decent folk who only want to help. But it is worth remembering that your site is vulnerable. Just as you install anti-virus software to protect your computer so you should take action to protect your AdSense revenue. Track your stats closely and move first if you spot something suspicious.

Adding CTR

Once you know you are going to put adsense on your website you’re going to have to consider where to put it. If this is new site it’s easier, if it’s an existing site it’s more difficult. While there are some people who will be able to do it, in most cases I’d say if you just slap the adsense code in, you’ll end up with a frankensite monster (props to Tedster of WMW for the buzzword). While every website is different, Google has published some heat maps showing the optimal locations. No surprise that the best spots are middle of the page and left hand side. Now I’ve done really well by placing it on the right, but you should know why you’re doing it that way before hand, and be prepared to change it if it doesn’t work out.

Google has also has published a list of the highest performing ad sizes:

* 336×280 large rectangle
* 300×250 inline rectangle
* 160×600 wide skyscraper

From the sites that I run, I do really well with the 336 rectangle and 160 skyscraper. My next best performing ad size is the 728 leaderboard, I don’t really use the 300 inline rectangle too often. So really it depends on how well you integrate these into your site. Placement can have a dramatic effect on performance. TIP: When working on a new site or new layout you may want to give each location it’s own channel for a little while until you understand the users behavior.

Another ‘trick’ that can increase your CTR is by blending your adsense into your body copy. For example if your body copy is black, remove the adsense border and make the title, text, and URL black.TIP: Try changing all of your page hyperlinks to a high contrast color (like dark red or a bold blue) then change the adsense title to the same color.

Sabtu, 08 September 2007

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